Jane Austen and Her French Connections

This is a collection of links, book recommendations and other information from the chat from this past weekend’s event.

If you don’t have a copy in front of you, you can refer to the schedule listed here: https://conta.cc/38CuhPu

Gillian Dow

Louisa Lushington –  The Journal of Louisa Lushington, ed. Slothouber: https://www.janeaustenbooks.net/products/16756

You can register to be notified when Dr. Dow’s FutureLearn course reopens here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/jane-austen

Here’s a post listing all the works in the Godmersham Park Library written by women: https://readingwithaustenblog.com/2020/03/28/reading-with-jane-austen-women-writers-in-the-godmersham-park-library-episode-2/


Here’s a link to the book that Dr. Dow just recommended, The Reception of JA in Europe: https://www.janeaustenbooks.net/products/12554?_pos=1&_sid=076052b17&_ss=r

Austen’s nephew Charles Knight used the library extensively – he kept a detailed diary that Hazel Jones has been transcribing  – several posts on this on the Reading with Austen blog – most of his reading was of the religious material  here’s the last post: https://readingwithaustenblog.com/2020/05/12/reading-in-the-godmersham-library-jane-austens-nephew-charles-bridges-knight-part-vi/

Juliette Wells has written about the US edition of Emma, published unauthorized in 1816: https://bloomsburyliterarystudiesblog.com/continuum-literary-studie/2018/01/200-years-reading-austen-america.html

About niece Maryann http://www.jasna.org/assets/Uploads/Publications/Articles/ee197a244b/dow.pdf

Taylor Shelby

Taylor’s reproduction jewelry shop: https://www.damesalamode.com/

“there was a very beautiful set of pearls that Mr. Drummond gave his daughter on her wedding-day and that Miss Tilney has got now, for they were put by for her when her mother died.”

Further info on Wedgwood in this recent lecture by Patricia Matthew for Jane Austen & Co. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBtXTWotXbY

Charles Burns-Silhouettist

Charles Burns is a silhouettist, and you can find him on Instagram at @silhouettist or visit his website www.silhouettist.uk

Regency era silhouettists: William Hubard, and John Miers

Documentary Silhouette Secrets on Amazon Prime  https://www.amazon.com/Silhouette-Secrets-Charles-Burns/dp/B07CN6Z4RM

Adam Hodges-Leclaire

Reference –Tilden book–Interpreting Our Heritage, Freeman Tilden. American Association for State and Local History used this volume and then many more since the 1980s  for helping historic sites undertake first person interpretation of the people/history of a site…


Podcast interview with Glynis Ridley re her book on Jeanne Baret: https://www.stitcher.com/show/bonnets-at-dawn/episode/s3-bonus-episode-best-books-of-2019-literary-goals-for-2020-66611083

Paula Byrne

Paula Byrne’s book The Genius of Jane Austen https://www.janeaustenbooks.net/products/16569-genius-jane-austen?_pos=5&_sid=de342d939&_ss=r

Paula’s website paulabyrne.com and Twitter handle @paulajaynebyrne https://twitter.com/paulajaynebyrne

This is a great essay by Patricia Matthew about servants of color in portraits of white British people from the 18th c.: https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/look-you-leap


“George Clive and his Family with an Indian Maid”, c.1763–5, by Joshua Reynolds, now re-identified as “Tysoe Saul Hancock, his wife Philadelphia, their daughter Elizabeth and their Indian maid Clarinda”

Arnie Perlstein wrote about that Covent Garden question in 2010: https://sharpelvessociety.blogspot.com/2010/12/mrs-cole-direct-connection-between.html

Virtual NJ walk—JASNA NJ

A great book on Lafayette’s tour of The U.S. is Sarah Vowell’s Lafayette in the Somewhat United States

Sites on our tour that can still be viewed, of course they may not be open right now so check with the site: Sandy Hook beach where Da Verazano landed, Bloomsbury Court—William Trent House, George Washington’s headquarters in Morristown has a statue of Lafayette and Rochambeau, Monmouth Battlefield State Park in Freehold, The Hermitage in Ho-Ho-Kis, Van Saun house, Ryerson House, Enoch Poor burial site, Trenton—Old Barracks, 1 West State St., Boxwood Hall, Sansay House, Bow Hill in Trenton, Frenchtown, Philip Freneau gravesite, Bordentown main street-Thomas Paine, First Reformed Church in Pompton Plains, Princeton Battlefield State Park

Col Ogden’s 1st NJ reenacting regiment (Rev War) http://1nj.org/

Sheets of paper is purchased in large pieces pre-mass production in cut sizes.  So, you bought your paper and used the bone folder to crease, fold and cut your paper to the size you require.

If anyone is interested in period writing equipment and how to use it, start here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3aPOXkzNPk&t=8s

Carrie Wright, professor of Geology gave a talk at the DC AGM on Mrs. Elton’s pearls  @ajaneitesews

@ruthmarten is an artist that create modern fashion plates with whimsical touches  https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/eyeball-kicks-ruth-martens-fountains-alligators

Charlotte Gordon


John Locke’s Essay in Human Understanding is a good read. It was in Thomas Jefferson’s library…

“It is a time to effect a revolution in female manners- time to restore to them their lost dignity – and make them, as a part of the human species, labour by reforming themselves to reform the world.”  -A Vindication of Rights

Aaron Burr was so impressed by her book he raised his daughter based on what Wollstonecraft wrote!

If you read Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex, it’s astonishing how much her argument recalls Wollstonecraft’s — i.e., how much remained the same 150 years later.

Surely SdB had read Wollstonecraft closely! https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2016/03/women-feminist-scholars/

Mary W. wrote essays during her journey in Scandinavia.  These have been published and are fascinating to read. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3529/3529-h/3529-h.htm

it’s a thin nude feminine figure that is supposed to represent “all woman” — not a portrait of Mary, and not actually inclusive of “all women”

Check out the design online. Many people (though not all) hate it. It includes a naked female figure, said to represent Woman realizing herself, or something like that.

Deborah Yaffee blogged about the statue controversy here: https://www.deborahyaffe.com/post/mother-of-controversy


The Wollstonecraft Society @TheWollSoc https://twitter.com/TheWollSoc

Daughter of Wollstonecraft is Mary Shelley

A negative critique of MS: Death and the Maidens, by Janet Todd. https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/death-and-the-maidens-9781448212521

Arnie: In my recent Zoom presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKYzhndOGsI  I argued that the teenaged Jane Austen was intensely engaged with the writings of both Wollstonecraft and Hannah More in her last juvenilia, Catharine, or the Bower – what is your take on the debate between Wollstonecraft and More about how young women should negotiate the shoals of a man’s world? 

You can stay at the Villa Diodati these days!

Wollstonecraft the movie
Mary On The Green

Why She Wrote, a new book by Sarah’s friends Lauren Burke and Hannah Chapman, written as a comic, which includes sections about Mary Shelley, Wollstonecraft, Austen, and other English-language women writers of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. It is so good! https://www.janeaustenbooks.net/products/17081?_pos=1&_sid=886501b78&_ss=r

Austen and Shelley are contemporaries of each other

The Jane Austen Summer Program did a double-theme of Northanger Abbey and Frankenstein a few years ago!  weird to think that both came out in 1818 and are influenced by the Gothic . . . yet SO different

The tragedies continued for poor Mary Shelley.  During her Europe travels with Shelley, they were joined by Byron and his girlfriend who was the sister-in-law of one of them (I forget which).  Meanwhile, Mary S. kept having children, and the children kept dying.  Just so sad.  Then, of course, Percy was drowned….

There is a writer in Vermont, Nancy Means Wright, who has written a series of mysteries with Mary Wollstonecraft as the “detective” – they follow MW’s life beginning with her horrific stint as a governess in Ireland.

Byron’s girlfriend was Claire Clairmont, who was the daughter of Godwin’s second wife — so Mary’s stepsister.


Eileen Hunt Botting https://politicalscience.nd.edu/people/eileen-hunt-botting/

John Opie painting of Wollstonecraft https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw02603/Mary-Wollstonecraft


Univ of Southampton is offering this free online course: Jane Austen: Myth, Reality and Global Celebrity link: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/jane-austen

My favorite biography about Jane Austen is: Jane Austen at Home: A Biography  by Dr. Lucy Worsley.  A very good review of Jane and her life within the context of late Georgian and into Regency society/England.

Abby Cox

Abby’s YouTube channel:  www.youtube.com/abbycox

Abby’s Instagram:  www.instagram.com/abbyelyn


Godey’s fashion plates started in the 1830s

Ackermann’s Repository https://www.lasell.edu/academics/schools/school-of-fashion/lasell-fashion-collection/collections/print-archive/ackermanns-repository-of-arts-fashion-plates.html

Levant, (from the French lever, “to rise,” as in sunrise, meaning the east), historically, the countries along the eastern Mediterranean shores

Here are the Grecian “sandals” at the Met that Abby mentioned earlier! https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/83042



Levantine on google: It is a combed fabric made of heavy 3 wax that, unlike the “levantine gabardine”, has a square reduction, even when it does not have a double twilight number of threads, (ˈlɛvənˌtaɪn) n. (Textiles) a cloth of twilled silk.

according to Merriam-Webster: The first known use of ready-to-wear was in 1895

White muslin in MP is presumably about rather than age or marital status, “Miss Tilney always wears white” presumably because she is rich!

White is also an indirect salute to the Roman and Ancient look that people were imitating a la neo classical.  The statues they looked at were no longer painted but white marble.

Martha Ballard’s diary is excellent for such in this period

Robin Mitchell

Venus Noire: https://ugapress.org/book/9780820354323/venus-noire/


Haitian Rebellion

The significance of Sarah Baartman – BBC News
https://www.bbc.com › news › magazine-35240987
Jan 7, 2016 — The reason was that Baartman, also known as Sara or Saartjie, had what was called “steatopygia”, resulting in extremely protuberant buttocks due to a build-up of fat. These made her a cause of fascination when she was exhibited at a venue in London’s Piccadilly Circus after her arrival.


Venus Noire: https://bookshop.org/books/venus-noire-black-women-and-colonial-fantasies-in-nineteenth-century-france/9780820354316

The significance of Sarah Baartman

South Africa anger after Sarah Baartman’s grave defaced

Sarah Baartman exhibition allows space for discourse

Ourika candle https://trudon.com/eu_en/home-fragrances/bellesmatieres/ourika.html?https://trudon.com/eu_en/ourika.html

Beyoncé isn’t making a Saartjie Baartman film after all, says a representative for the singer

The Jardin d’Acclimatation in Paris existed into the 20th century.  It exhibited human beings from around the world.

A women’s shelter in her name in Cape Town, SA. http://www.saartjiebaartmancentre.org.za/

This is a terrific piece of art criticism, in which Patricia Matthew suggests a contemporary sculpture by Kara Walker that was partly inspired by Baartman: https://patriciamatthew.blog/tag/kara-walker/



Jocelyn Harris suggests that JA would have learned about the court case re: whether Baartmann was free, treated poorly in 1810 from the newspapers

re: medicine at the time…  doctors not surgeons, were still bleeding and don’t forget the leeches mentioned yesterday…The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia shows the medical learning curve, like the collection of skulls that could be measured to ‘understand’ intelligence. But Sarah’s case….. simply one of lack of humanity.

Recent presentation on Queen Charlotte by Damianne Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXLYQD1Jh8Y

The Woman of Colour
Edited by: Lyndon J. Dominique


The Age of Agony by Guy Williams

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